Howdy folks. How are we? Let’s see. I’m going on day 4 of not leaving my house and I’m honestly doing pretty well. I don’t know what day it is and all of my meals are blurring together but at least I’m social distancing! I thought I would be doing a lot more reading and exercising, but instead I’m just doing a lot of eating.
The fam is back together under the same roof. It’s tense. I like to push buttons around here and I am running out of buttons to push. Peace and love! Xo.
I’ll be honest with you. I really don’t even remember when this whole corona thing started, but I definitely didn’t take it as seriously as I do now. I thought people were being way over dramatic and blowing this way out of proportion, and I’m a hypochondriac, so normally I am on the same team as the drama queens. Then, I went to the grocery store with my mom and saw how people were acting and was like oh. Okay. I see it now.
Then I saw the empty shelves.
Then I saw all sports get cancelled.
Then I saw all the local businesses closing.
Then I saw Tom Hanks get sick. That was a reality check if I’ve ever seen one. Really did a number on me.
With that being said, I think everyone needs to start taking this a little bit more seriously. Maybe not as serious as my dad who has been trolling the black market in search for Happy Birthday toilet paper in fear that that is all there will be left, but serious enough.
I’m not saying stop going about your normal lives. I think we should try and keep them as normal as we can, what with our new online schooling and responsibilities. I won’t go into this topic just because there is nothing we can do about it now, but I do wish I was spending my spring in Boston.
However, that isn’t gonna happen. So, I’m really trying to keep up with my normal schedule. I wake up at a reasonable hour. I watch Tik Toks for way too long. I take a shower - actually, I sometimes take two showers a day just because I’m bored. I then remember that I didn’t leave the house at all today nor did I workout, so I didn’t need to take a shower, but, whatever. So fun!
What you don’t need to be doing? Going on spring break to a crowded beach or pool where that pool is quite literally the epitome of a germ pool. This is why inflatable kiddy pools were made, for this very moment. Also, if yours hasn’t been closed down yet, please stop going to the gym for the love of god. Do you really want to think about how many hands have touched that 5 pounder that you’re struggling to lift? You can get swole in your basement.
The one thing that has been concerning me is hearing adults talk about the economy. My teachers have told me that we are going to be experiencing probably the worst economic situation since the Great Depression and that unemployment is going to reach 20%. Is this going to turn into something that kids 50 years from now read about in their textbooks?
Who am I kidding, there won’t be textbooks 50 years from now.
If we as a country haven’t even reached our peak yet with this disease, and have months left to go, here are a few things I am going to remind you to do:
Do not hoard supplies. We need to share with those who don’t have access. Someone told me they know someone who has 135 rolls of toilet paper in their house. While that would normally be my dream (I pee a lot) that is no longer acceptable. Share a square people.
Call your grandparents. This is not the time to go over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house. Mine sends me Bitmojis! She’s so techy.
Write. Start to write down how you are being affected. Share it with people. Talk to people. Offer your ears to someone who needs to be listened to.
Wash your damn hands. Wipe down your phone, your computer, your textbooks, your credit cards, your AirPods, your glasses, EVERYTHING.
Take a deep breath. Light a candle. Play Work from Home by Fifth Harmony, go to your Zoom class and call it a day.
Me in my humble, Boston abode after I prematurely moved out.
My Work From Home setup - not too shabby.