Hi. My name is Megan Cassidy Klein and I have a shopping problem.
I haven't been to any support groups and the only person who has diagnosed me is my mom.
However, after a long reflection period of me looking back, literally, on the items in my closet and thinking of certain splurges, I think it is safe to say that she is right.
Moms are always right.
Coming to college was something that I was fearful of. Not because of the typical reasons like homesickness, finding friends, etc. But because I was worried about how much of my clothes would fit into bags to accompany me on my college experience.
Enough. Is the answer. A sufficient amount of clothing was able to make its way to Bethlehem, and the collection is growing.
Going home - now that is the real issue. I am what you call, "an overpacker".
This past Thanksgiving break, I was home for five full days.
I packed for about two months.
6 pairs of jeans, 3 sweatshirts, 4 sweaters, 4 pairs of shoes, 3 sleep shirts, 2 t-shirts, 4 pairs of leggings, 4 long sleeves, 1 vest, 2 jackets and a scarf. Oh and an abundance of socks and underwear.
I also went shopping on Black Friday and purchased 2 new sweaters, 3 new long sleeves, 1 pair of jeans and some pajamas.
I needed options. That's what I say. That's what is supposed to make all of this justified. But that can't be my answer, my way out. I need help.
Going home in December is going to be an issue. If that's what I brought home and bought over the span of five days, I don't want to think about what is to come over the span of almost five weeks.