When I went away to camp when I was younger, I got really homesick.
Not the kind of homesick where I missed my dog and claimed that I missed my parents too to make my friends feel better if they were feeling it.
I was the homesick where I made a literal calendar counting down the days until visiting day the second day of camp. And, I was the kind of homesick who cried herself to sleep listening to her parents' wedding song.
Pathetic. Hilarious. Kind of tragic but amazing all at the same time.
All I Have by Beth Nielsen Chapman was the song. The 1990 hit really hit home for me.
Just try and picture this:
A 12 maybe 13-year-old girl laying on her side pressing the replay button on her green iPod nano, silently crying into her pillow wishing she was home.
I'm laughing as I write this. And when I told my parents about it a couple years later, they laughed too. In my face. For a rude amount of time considering they should've been feeling sad and slightly concerned.
Now you know, I am a homebody. I was a little worried about coming to college for that exact reason. But, I've been totally fine. Although I no longer listen to my parents' wedding song to help me sleep - which I haven't done since that summer, mark my words - I still miss my parents.
What else is on the need-to-know list?
My favorite color is green.
I hate cheese but I love pizza.
I am a twin.
Kids Baking Championship is my favorite show. And it soon will be yours too.
And I hated sleepaway camp.